2023 has been a good year for the Badgers. The stats for the year are as follows:-
Won 28 Draw 5 Lost 9 (includes play-off semi final)
Scored 112
Conceded 53
Won 2 lost 5
Scored 17
Conceded 18
Morgan Payne 34 (6 in cup)
Reg Smith 27 (2 in cup)
Christian Blanchette 15 (1 in cup)
Will Whieldon 15 (2 in cup)
Connor Haddaway 9 (1 in cup)
Jake Thomas 6
Cam Osborne 4
Lucas Green-Birch 3
Charlie King 2
Tom Vaughan 2 (1 in cup)
Decal Arber 2 (2 in cup)
Own Goals 2 (1 in cup)
Seb Conaghan 1
Alex Curtis 1
Kenny Devoir 1
Ben Haddaway 1
Luke Haddaway 1
Lewis Rowley 1
Sam Scott 1
Henry Smith 1
